How to make sure you are dealing with the real domain owner. (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
A couple of things I do are....

1. I ask the seller to unlock the domain and show me a screen shot of the domain in their control panel.

2. I use the cira contact form to send an email to the registered opwner. In that email I insert a PASSWORD and I ask the seller to tell me what that password is. Assuming the seller has access to the registered email address they will be able to tell me what the password is.

Those are my favourite security checks when I am dealing with someone I don't know.

What precautions do you take?

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I prefer the second method. I have done that many times.
A couple of things I do are....

1. I ask the seller to unlock the domain and show me a screen shot of the domain in their control panel.

2. I use the cira contact form to send an email to the registered opwner. In that email I insert a PASSWORD and I ask the seller to tell me what that password is. Assuming the seller has access to the registered email address they will be able to tell me what the password is.

Those are my favourite security checks when I am dealing with someone I don't know.

What precautions do you take?

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Both are good because it proves they have access to both the account at the registrar, as well as the registrant email.
In all honesty it has been such a rare issue in .CA, thankfully.
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Because screenshots can be faked, I sometimes ask to have a Zoom or Skype call with owner, and have them screenshare them being logged into the registrar account ... harder to fake video, but I know that can be faked as well.
Because screenshots can be faked, I sometimes ask to have a Zoom or Skype call with owner, and have them screenshare them being logged into the registrar account ... harder to fake video, but I know that can be faked as well.
Agreed, infinitely better to do a live video call. I did ask this person to do a facetime video, which they indicated they would at first, but then ultimately declined, and instead sent a meaningless video clip of the same person in the profile picture.

If these people are persistent enough, they will eventually succeed in looking credible enough to scam someone into sending money. Using escrow may be more important than ever.
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Speaking of escrow, a reminder that now accepts CAD transactions.
Speaking of escrow, a reminder that now accepts CAD transactions.

The single biggest issue I've had is that buyers hate the hassle and time delay to get verified at It would be nice if they could simplify and speed up that process. I have yet to complete a CAD transaction, simply because of that reason. Buyers have overwhelmingly just said screw it, I trust you, I'll e-transfer you and we'll be done in a few minutes. Note that I'm also identifiable online, issue an invoice with GST#, etc... that all helps with credibility and trust.

Edit: I misspoke, I have completed one CAD transaction so far. So it does work fine. I just forgot about it because it's rare.

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