.CA CreditCards.ca - Sold $650,000 (plus many more) (1 Viewing)


Nov 6, 2020
I found this list on a website

4rent.ca - $5,000
888.ca - $20,000
adc.ca - $7,950
add.ca - $5,000
AdultMovie.ca - $3,750
aec.ca - $9,240
agenda.ca - $5,000
ahs.ca - $30,000
AirMail.ca - $7,500
Airplanes.ca - $5,100
amazing.ca - $17,515
ampli.ca - $66,500
annabelle.ca - $4,200
ar.ca - $32,500
audiobooks.ca - $19,000
autoloans.ca - 32,000
ave.ca - $7,000
avendre.ca - $7,500
badcredit.ca - $20,000
Balance.ca - $6,100
Banks.ca - $41,000
barcodes.ca - $19,650
BcBusiness.ca - $4,500
bci.ca - $17,500
bcsa.ca - $9,700
Beavers.ca - $5,000
Betting.ca - $9,300
bettingonline.ca - $8,700
billet.ca - $14,700
bitcoincash.ca - $14,400
Bite.ca - $4,000
Blog.ca - $20,200
bloom.ca - $25,500
bold.ca - $24,500
Bond.ca - $19,100
bonus.ca - $26,250
bookstore.ca - $8,900
Boots.ca - $20,000
bta.ca - $7,500
buff.ca - $19,000
bureau.ca - $3,500
burrard.ca - $8,000
BusinessPhones.ca - $3,000
CabinRentals.ca - $3,500
Cafe.ca - $8,200
Calories.ca - $5,300
CanadaComputers.ca - $16,055
CanadianFamily.ca - $4,250
Canoe360.ca - $3,300
carloan.ca - $46,000
carsforsale.ca - $26,500
casinogames.ca - $28,000
catalyst.ca - $14,000
cdnair.ca - $8,475
chants.ca - $3,500
CheapVacations.ca - $47,000
Cigarettes.ca - $11,000
CleanEnergy.ca - $10,000
cnl.ca - $9,856
constitution.ca - $10,500
cosmo.ca - $7,492
coupon.ca - $75,600
couponcode.ca - $3,000
coupons.ca - $85,000
CPAP.ca - $5,000
CreditCards.ca - $650,000
cuties.ca - $8,500
CV.ca - $53,000
cycle.ca - $12,500
Dates.ca - $18,353
day.ca - $9,500
deep.ca - $3,750
Delivery.ca - $26,801
dental.ca - $22,600
Diploma.ca - $17,352
Diplomas.ca - $5,199
Displays2go.ca - $10,225
dms.ca - $5,850
Doyle.ca - $4,608
drugs.ca - $27,800
Dui.ca - $6,565
eau.ca - $36,000
edible.ca - $10,500
efax.ca - $30,000
ehi.ca - $19,425
electricite.ca - $4,500
Emplois.ca - $56,200
Enviroment.ca (typo) - $4,300
ephone.ca - $6,000
Espresso.ca - $18,000
evo.ca - $21,800
Eyeglasses.ca - $10,999
familytree.ca - $13,500
Feedback.ca - $20,000
Financing.ca - $12,000
FindEmployment.ca - $9,250
fitnessinstructor.ca - $3,500
five.ca - $4,500
flavour.ca - $17,000
flight.ca - $102,500
flights.ca - $120,000
flipkart.ca - $6,850
flu.ca - $45,000
forsale.ca - $29,000
Fpi.ca - $7,035
freshfruit.ca - $6,300
g1.ca - $6,500
Gamble.ca - $15,101
gamblingonline.ca - $27,500
gamepoint.ca - $8,040
gaming.ca - $16,000
gardeners.ca - $4,000
giftcardexchange.ca - $6,700
glasses.ca - $25,500
GMX.ca - $31,790
grad.ca - $9,880
grandbend.ca - $4,750
grooms.ca - $6,100
hammocks.ca - $6,000
helicopters.ca - $22,500
hemp.ca - $19,250
herbs.ca - $8,730
hifi.ca - $5,000
holidaycheck.ca - $3,000
hollywood.ca - $13,500
HomeBusiness.ca - $8,000
HomeTheaters.ca - $12,500
homify.ca - $14,800
Horoscope.ca - $7,000
Horoscopes.ca - $7,000
HorseRacing.ca - $19,000
hostedexchange.ca - $11,000
househunting.ca - $25,000
HouseValue.ca - $3,200
Hubert.ca - $8,927
ia.ca - $63,000
impot.ca - $5,500
Income.ca - $25,299
industry.ca - $13,300
Injurylawyers.ca - $3,650
InkToner.ca - $4,600
Interaction.ca - $30,000
interestrates.ca - $6,000
Interview.ca - $30,933
Inventor.ca - $4,000
ips.ca - $9,450
isi.ca - $10,119
ixl.ca - $10,355
janitor.ca - $5,000
jgl.ca - $7,450
JobMax.ca - $11,500
Jobs.ca - $600,000
joyce.ca - $9,856
kaa.ca - $5,500
kcc.ca - $6,720
lable.ca - $11,950
LakeLouise.ca - $3,400
lastminutevacations.ca - $23,000
Lawns.ca - $6,400
lead.ca - $8,000
lesbian.ca - $20,000
listings.ca - $28,000
litigation.ca - $9,400
LiveActive.ca - $4,700
ljm.ca - $10,170
loans.ca - $110,000
LoansCanada.ca - $3,000
localwork.ca - $3,500
loto.ca - $18,000
manitobajobs.ca - $4,052
march.ca - $6,000
MBAOnline.ca - $3,000
meteo.ca - $12,000
Mike.ca - $8,006
mobi.ca - $8,673
Monsters.ca - $13,000
mortgagecalculators.ca - $3,700
Mosaik.ca - $3,100
mysushi.ca - $4,000
netbet.ca - $13,000
noname.ca - $12,000
oakridge.ca - $13,000
odb.ca - $5,625
offers.ca - $55,000
oil.ca - $21,375
ojai.ca - $14,000
OnlineCasinos.ca - $28,000
OnlineSingles.ca - $3,002
ott.ca - $5,500
ottawahomes.ca - $3,100
pair.ca - $6,750
parker.ca - $5,376
pear.ca - $3,500
PerfectMatch.ca - $8,700
Pharmacies.ca - $15,100
PlaneTickets.ca - $5,700
play.ca - $34,000
playground.ca - $6,500
playing.ca - $9,000
poker.ca - $400,000
PokerGames.ca - $6,000
powerball.ca - $13,750
promotionalcodes.ca - $6,888
PropertyManagement.ca - $14,200
publicity.ca - $10,991
pw.ca - $60,000
racing.ca - $39,000
rbi.ca - $9,944
real-estate.ca - $15,000
realestateagent.ca - $9,000
Resto.ca - $11,600
reversemortgage.ca - $43,500
Reversemortgages.ca - $8,500
reviews.ca - $4,651
rex.ca - $16,250
rh.ca - $47,250
ring.ca - $42,000
robins.ca - $3,500
RR.ca - $15,811
runway.ca - $19,000
rvt.ca - $5,000
saints.ca - $5,000
Salads.ca - $4,180
saturn.ca - $28,875
savings.ca - $36,050
scenic.ca - $12,250
Searching.ca - $31,500
sema.ca - $5,000
seminars.ca - $3,606
sextoys.ca - $20,304
sfi.ca - $7,463
sgs.ca - $7,140
shopthehood.ca - $35,200
showbiz.ca - $3,061
showtime.ca - $3,900
slots.ca - $206,906
smartcar.ca - $3,550
SmartShopping.ca - $13,800
sportsbook.ca - $5,000
SportsBookReview.ca - $8,725
stores.ca - $8,000
StudyOnline.ca - $15,000
style.ca - $4,300
sudburyrealestate.ca - $4,250
suits.ca - $20,000
SummerJob.ca - $3,201
SummerRentals.ca - $4,500
supreme.ca - $19,000
textbook.ca - $17,000
Textbooks.ca - $18,000
tfc.ca - $6,400
theaters.ca - $25,000
theatres.ca - $25,000
thesummit.ca - $7,150
ThinkCash.ca - $4,800
timeshares.ca - $15,000
Tims.ca - $5,150
Tobacco.ca - $11,000
tonneaucovers.ca - $4,000
trademarklawyers.ca - $5,500
Traffic.ca - $15,000
Trent.ca - $5,600
treo.ca - $10,000
triangle.ca - $18,500
trucks.ca - $40,000
twin.ca - $4,500
usedcars.ca - $120,000
vacationexpress.ca - $6,500
VacationPackages.ca - $15,000
vans.ca - $25,000
vehicles.ca - $9,000
venture.ca - $32,500
Vert.ca - $7,600
vets.ca - $18,100
vitaminshop.ca - $6,000
vu.ca - $30,000
VV.ca - $10,000
watches.ca - $25,800
waterproofers.ca - $5,500
weseley.ca - $5,650
westleaf.ca - $26,190
whistlerhotels.ca - $3,161
wills.ab.ca - $10,600
wilson.ca - $9,750
xpressbet.ca - $6,500
xv.ca - $12,000
YourMoney.ca - $8,000
zag.ca - $16,250
zoom.ca - $29,000
ZZ.ca - $9,600

Apparently a bunch of sold .ca domains
Nice, zoom must have been a fairly recent one

Some nice domains in there other's make you wonder how it sold so high lol
[h]Dot Ca top domain names sales list[/h]

1. creditcards.ca $650,000
2. jobs.ca $600,000
3. poker.ca $400,000
4. slots.ca $206,906
5. flights.ca $120,000
6. usedcars.ca $115,920
7. flight.ca $99,000
8. coupons.ca $85,000
9. coupon.ca $75,600
10. pw.ca $60,000
11. ia.ca $58,590
12. emplois.ca $56,200
13. cv.ca $54,977
14. ampli.ca $50,000
15. cheapvacations.ca $47,000
16. flu.ca $45,000
17. banks.ca $41,000
18. rh.ca $39,750
19. racing.ca $39,200
20. trucks.ca $38,640
21. offers.ca $38,500
22. savings.ca $36,050
23. carloan.ca $36,000
24. shopthehood.ca $35,200
25. play.ca $34,000
26. cruise.ca $33,363
27. ring.ca $32,500
28. venture.ca $32,500
29. gmx.ca $31,687
30. searching.ca $31,500
31. interview.ca $30,933
32. efax.ca $30,000
33. vu.ca $30,000
34. delivery.ca $29,500
35. forsale.ca $29,000
36. interaction.ca $28,880
37. saturn.ca $28,875
38. casinogames.ca $28,000
39. listings.ca $28,000
40. onlinecasinos.ca $28,000
41. drugs.ca $27,840
42. bonus.ca $26,250
43. income.ca $26,242
44. eau.ca $25,000
45. theatres.ca $25,000
46. vans.ca $25,000
47. househunting.ca $24,840
48. lastminutevacations.ca $23,000
49. helicopters.ca $22,666
50. dental.ca $21,600
51. oil.ca $21,375
52. retirement.ca $20,494

This is what I see when I visit creditcards.ca the most expensive .ca ever sold.

whiteknight said:
Some nice domains in there other's make you wonder how it sold so high lol

At lot of these are ancient sales, back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
Shopthehood - 35k :eek:
It forwards to ShopTheNeighbourhood
flu.ca obviously got bought by an investor but at 45,000 i'm not sure how much he's going to make on it.
It's still a very catchy 3-letter.

Sponsors who contribute to keep dn.ca free for everyone.

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