High Canada immigration, good for .ca? (5 Viewing)


Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
Liberals have been keeping immigration to Canada high for last few years, in the range of 400,000 to 500,000 new residents per year.

Today's news is they did 430,000 in just Q3 of this year.

So every two years that's a million new people, which is pretty significant for a country of Canada's population.

I'm sure there are a lot of positive and negative points to this, but from a .ca perspective you'd have to think it's a good thing, maybe not right away but over time...
Liberals have been keeping immigration to Canada high for last few years, in the range of 400,000 to 500,000 new residents per year.

Our population is growing by an unsustainable 1.2 million people per year, the foreign University student enrolment is increasing by 33% per year, foreign doctor residency rates are skyrocketing while Canadian doctors can't find a space, and as we all know, housing is an absolute mess and it's just going to get worse.

And when the Liberals talk about solutions, they never talk about even a temporary drop in international migration and it's always "more, more, more people!" :unsure:

Why? Because foreigners pay more than Canadians and everyone is mad for that sweet foreign money, even those from supposedly-public institutions paid for and supposedly-designed for Canadians.

Canada has obviously been put up for sale to foreign interests and due to this, Canada no longer serves Canadians. "Our" country now serves the highest bidder on the foreign market.

The University enrolment numbers display this clearly. In 1990 the foreign student percentage was 2-3%, in 2004 it was 6%, and now it's currently at 25-35% at most Universities (and growing quickly - 33% growth last year alone), while (cough) surprisingly there is no government mandated limit on foreign enrolment - it could conceivably rise to 100%.

Schools are gorging on high-paying foreign students so much that there is no physical space for them. But instead of lowering enrolment due to lack of room, many rent private movie theatres or other large venues to use as classrooms - gotta keep that sweet foreign cash flowing.

Just like immigration, there is never a thought of lowering it, just increasingly-bizarre ideas on how to handle the mass influx of high-paying foreign customers.

In the future, our primary jobs will be to provide services to to these affluent foreign workers, students, residents, sponsors, migrants, family reunification seniors, and others, all without basic access to housing, doctors or a post-secondary education.

It's going to be a wonderful life!
And I might have posted this earlier, but here is the "Liberal Solution" to mass immigration and its negative impact on the availability and cost of housing.

They are passing laws that totally get rid of any current zoning requirements and are encouraging developers to buy up single-unit homes and "transform" that one lot into multi-home designs with anywhere from 4-8 individual mini-houses.

Just imagine you spend a $ million on your house (one of the 'white' ones in the diagrams) and then your neighbor sells and a developer levels the home and then starts building a 6-unit multi-home in the same space?

If the construction doesn't knock over your house, you suddenly have 6 new families/occupant groups next door (8 if it's near a bus stop), with probably 10-15 cars and all the other necessities of living in urban Canada. The street will be one big parking lot, and it won't be long before these multi-houses are taking over the surrounding property.

I see this mass immigration-fueled idiocy and I want to move.

Cities across the Greater Toronto Area have low-density neighbourhoods that are already being treated like medium-density. NIMBYs think someone's going to demolish a single-family home in their quiet subdivision to make way for a fourplex, and that's why we have 20 people living together in a townhouse in Brampton...
NIMBYs think someone's going to demolish a single-family home in their quiet subdivision to make way for a fourplex,

Ummm, but that's exactly what the Liberals are proposing, and we're talking 4-, 6- and 8-plexes on a single lot.

And if a parent or grandparent dies and the kids get ahold of the property, this is also exactly what is going to happen, as it provides the highest profit, and that's what everyone seems to be looking for.

They do this now under existing zoning, and in my parent's neighborhood all the big lots of people who have died now sport 2-3 new houses - I can't imagine the profit-driven insanity under this crazy plan - they'll be able to build 16-24 mini-houses on a SINGLE lot. It will be perma-gridlock and one will be able to get their cars out of the suburbs.

And P.S. the reason why we have 20 people living in a a townhouse in Brampton is pure economics and demographics. It's just what happens when you overload a country with a tiny population with an unending stream of people.

Today's news is they did 430,000 in just Q3 of this year.

That's 430,000 new immigrants in only 3 months.... That's armageddon-level math, which suits the social science Liberals just perfectly. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Did people expect something else to happen this kind of population growth is stuffed into a country of what used to be 37M? Magic?
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And to answer your question specifically, no, I do not think these mass immigration plan is good for .CA domain sales, at least not on a per capita basis.

I say this because a lot of our current economic system is based on a European design, and very few new Canadians come from Europe and not that many from First World/Developed countries. It feels like we're going back to the Gangs of New York era, with each ethnic and religious group congregating in their own areas, and trying to recreate the "old country" while fighting betwixt themselves.

Due to us relying on a Western economic model, I don't see this mass influx leading to a commensurate swell of demand for domains and websites, as the businesses are much smaller scale and usually local to the area, such as in Brampton where the telephone and light poles are absolutely covered in ads and signs.

And that works for them but unfortunately not for us.
that would be one of the negative points for sure...

In the cities you see it everywhere. I went to a bank machine one morning in the 'burbs and it was full of homeless people, some of whom were cooking a meal. About-face!

I don't know exactly how this hair-brained Liberal scheme is going to finish, but it's not going to be a happy ending.
I think this is probably just one of the reasons the Liberals have been slipping badly in the polls. I was saying years ago that the Liberals would end up defeating themselves, just stand aside and let their bad policies come to fruition. Finally more complacent Canadians are waking up and looking around, not liking what they're seeing. Voters will have to send a message at the next election, I hope Liberal support keeps crumbling and they somehow don't regain public trust. Not to say the next government voted in will have all the answers, but some of these Liberal policies need to be reversed or canceled. The Liberal party used to be near the middle of the political spectrum, now they are far left and their biggest issues of focus have nothing to do with the well being and advancement of Canadians.
Just to play "devils advocate" - 3 of the 4 $$,$$$ sales I have completed in 2023 were to folks you would refer to as immigrants - all small business owners starting up or growing their businesses in Canada.
Just to play "devils advocate" - 3 of the 4 $$,$$$ sales I have completed in 2023 were to folks you would refer to as immigrants - all small business owners starting up or growing their businesses in Canada.
there it is!
I'll just say I don't have a problem with immigration, my parents were immigrants to Canada. I think the issue is the rate of immigration being so high within a country to the point it causes so much competition for the limited resources (housing a big one), that prices go beyond reach for many. Canada does need some level of immigration due to our aging population, the argument would be that the Liberals have set the bar so high, and the question really is why? Are they just stupid or is there some other agenda...
They do this now under existing zoning, and in my parent's neighborhood all the big lots of people who have died now sport 2-3 new houses - I can't imagine the profit-driven insanity under this crazy plan - they'll be able to build 16-24 mini-houses on a SINGLE lot.
There are numerous cities throughout Ontario that should be doing exactly this — converting old low-density neighborhoods into new medium-density neighborhoods to house our growing population. Our government could stop letting everyone in tomorrow, and we'd still be dealing with the housing crisis. Is urban sprawl working for us right now?

It will be perma-gridlock and one will be able to get their cars out of the suburbs.
How so? The closer you are to the city, the less you rely on cars for travel. The government has said they're prioritizing developments built within walking distance of transit stations. It's already perma-gridlock and we should be investing in and encouraging the use of public transportation.

And P.S. the reason why we have 20 people living in a a townhouse in Brampton is pure economics and demographics. It's just what happens when you overload a country with a tiny population with an unending stream of people.
If I take a street with 24 homes, each on a third of an acre, and turn them into fourplexes, I now have 96 homes, all on the same amount of land. Rinse and repeat.
But you neglect the incredibly easy answer to this complex problem:

Just cool down on trying to set new daily records on mass immigration and let us catch up.

Instead, they added almost 500K more over the last 3 months. Great.
Only US/European companies wanting to setup shop in Canada are "good for .ca."

CIRA scraping the Canadian presence ownership requirements will also be "good for .ca." I wonder if we can all vote for something like that.
Just to play "devils advocate" - 3 of the 4 $$,$$$ sales I have completed in 2023 were to folks you would refer to as immigrants - all small business owners starting up or growing their businesses in Canada.

LOL, I've sold some too (mostly to real estate agents), but I'm talking about per capita numbers or rates.

At 1.2M new people a year (and growing), we should be selling double-digits to new Canadians, not a couple here and there.

And I love the "what you would refer to as immigrants" comment like I'm a redneck hater.

Feasible and rational immigration is good and I've always supported it, but I don't feel the same way about record-level mass immigration. These are two totally different things.
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But you neglect the incredibly easy answer to this complex problem:

Just cool down on trying to set new daily records on mass immigration and let us catch up.

Instead, they added almost 500K more over the last 3 months. Great.
Yes, but until that happens, our cities can catch up by building medium-density neighborhoods (y)
Yes, but until that happens, our cities can catch up by building medium-density neighborhoods (y)
It just sucks when you invest in something, a lifestyle and a major financial investment, and then you watch it get devalued around you courtesy of the gov't changing the rules on you. Not sure if you're old enough yet to have dropped 7+ figures on your dream place, but once you do, you will know exactly what we're talking about. And of course politicians would never approve zoning changes, homeless shelters, injection sites, etc, in their neighbourhoods!

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