My most visited .ca at DAN! (1 Viewing)


Nov 11, 2020
My most visited domain at DAN is kind of a surprise for me. While the stats isn’t high by any means, the traffic has been fairly steady with a peak the last few months.

The domain is:

I have a slight idea as to why the traffic has been so steady but not certain.

Below are the stats for the last few weeks. I would think that it would have gone down during the summer with people vacationing, etc…


What is your most visited parked .ca at DAN? Or anywhere else for that matter.
Last edited by a moderator: gets between 600 to 1000 unique visits per month. It is followed closely by

Both of those seem to be the most popular and they get a number of offers per month.
my top three on Dan:

bitnet .ca

hodl .link

naa .co

I always wonder how much is real traffic vs bot traffic.
Interesting to see that as your top .ca traffic domain on DAN. Any idea where the traffic could be coming from?

It's one of those oddities like one of mine

It makes no sense to me but it takes hundreds of hits per month.
It's one of those oddities like one of mine

It makes no sense to me but it takes hundreds of hits per month.
Would love to see DAN add more info as to where the traffic is coming from. I believe a prominent member here has his Google Analytics hooked up to his DAN so he has a very good idea of his traffic sources. I need to be LESS lazy. :)
Interesting to see that as your top .ca traffic domain on DAN. Any idea where the traffic could be coming from?
no, I googled the term once and saw there is a history of the term being used in the US. I just liked it because it sounds techy, and 'bit' is a good prefix, while 'net' is a good suffix.
One of my top visited domains would be Spencer in .ca.

Traffic is legit too as I can see that 85% of its traffic comes from within Canada.

It's one of those oddities like one of mine

It makes no sense to me but it takes hundreds of hits per month.

It's must be because of URL Metrics .ca (

I've seen it come up as the source/medium in my analytics a few times.

I don't really trust their metrics, and the valuations are definitely bogus, but the "similar domains"/websites showing at the bottom is kinda neat.
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For my domains listed on DAN.

Last 30 days. For my entire account, which has .ca and .com split of 60/40 respectively, 82% of the traffic shows geo location of the US, 11% Saudi Arabia, and only 2% Canada. The rest is a smattering of countries. Acquisition is almost entirely direct, no organic search engine.

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