Domains missing and not listed in my CIRA account (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
Hey everyone

Who has taken the time to go into their CIRA account and looked at the domains in there?

I found 7 .ca domains owned by me that are not in my cira profile.

The domains are at godaddy and they use EXACTLY the same contact details as the other domains listed in my CIRA account.
The domains I have under a private email address are not listed and that is to be expected but I have to say I am a bit stumped why these 7 domains are not in my CIRA account even though they are in my godaddy account.

Again, I double checked every single contact detail and every letter is identical to that of the listed ones.

I am a bit concerned because some of the missing ones are valuable domains and it stumps me that they are nowhere to be found.
I am a bit embarrased to admit I did not know we still have CIRA accounts.

I think I found the login and did a password reset and no email received.

As for your question, I do not know whether you are using Godaddy privacy but that could be the issue.
I do recall a CIRA account many years ago but I thought that ended when they did a major upgrade when they added auth codes.

@MapleDots, if you recall, I sold you a domain…… Maybe 3 years ago? Well, I did receive an email from CIRA yesterday evening that the domain ***************.ca contact information had been updated….. Which I found odd since I haven’t owned that domain since I sold it to you.
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Yeah, the admin was still in your name. I switched it but it's one of the ones not in my cira account.

If you use the same registration email they should all be in your cira account. I have to keep fiddling with that
I am a bit embarrased to admit I did not know we still have CIRA accounts.

I think I found the login and did a password reset and no email received.

As for your question, I do not know whether you are using Godaddy privacy but that could be the issue.

I think I might have to call GoDaddy because for 5 domains it won't even allow me to change my registration details.
They are in my name but it won't allow changes and those are the last 5 domains not showing in my cira account.
They are in my name but it won't allow changes and those are the last 5 domains not showing in my cira account.
So the question is, how important is it for a name to be in one’s CIRA account if it’s in your registrar account? Im sure a few of us have never even checked. I don’t believe there’s a way for it to be transferred out of your account since you would hold the email address that the auth code has to be sent to.
I have figured this out...

There is a setting in GoDaddy - click Edit Cira Agreement

Screenshot (60).png

See below, should say Canadian Citizen, a couple of mine even said aboriginal, I never thought to check these when transferring the domains in.
Screenshot (58).png

Below is how it should look.
Screenshot (59).png

Every .ca I have is now properly listed in my CIRA account
Last point... once you change all the info and have the same email address on all domains it takes about a day for them to show up in your cira account.

I know this is not mandatory but I feel better knowing my domains are all safely nestled in my main cira account, it just makes me sleep better.
I am pretty sure that CIRA account has nothing to do with your actual domain names. That’s just a cira membership account. Maybe it shows what names you have listed under there because of your email but it has nothing to do with safety of your domains.

If I’m wrong someone please correct me. But it’s possible if you’re not a member you have no access to any of that.
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@theinvestor you are correct. When you become a CIRA Member, your membership is associated with one specific domain but the membership system tries to find any and all domains that are registered to you. This is purely for the purposes of maintaining your eligibility as a CIRA Member as you can only become a "member" if you own a .CA domain name.

It is possible that domains you have do not appear in your list particularly if you use some different credentials in the registrant. We have the concept of "actors" which tries to capture all domains registered by the same person even though some elements of the RANT data might be different. This is particularly useful when a registrar creates unique ContactIDs for the same person. The domains all have a 1-1 relationship with the ContactID but in actuality each ContactID represents the same person.

It's simpler for us when a RAR uses a single ContactID for a RANT and then associates all of the domains to that one ContactID.

@MapleDots if you send me a private email with a domain that IS in your member account list and one that is NOT I can figure out why specifically and provide additional feedback.
@MapleDots if you send me a private email with a domain that IS in your member account list and one that is NOT I can figure out why specifically and provide additional feedback.

Thank you Richard but I figured it out.

Most of my domains were set to Canadian Citizen but a few were set to corporations and some to Aboriginal which was definitely wrong.
I never thought to check that setting when I transferred the domains to my account at the registrar level.

As soon as I went in and changed it to Canadian Citizen the problem was solved. It took about a day for the domain to show in my cira account after that.

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